Bilberry bumblebees and the National Trust
In my totally 'unbiased' view, these are the best UK bumblebee species. Not only are they super fluffy like other bumblebees, they are adorably sized, and are found in one of my favourite habitat types; upland heath. BB worker near Pumlumon (June 2018) I have only seen this species once and I was lucky enough to almost study their foraging behaviour for my MSc thesis. Unfortunately due to the current situation (coronavirus again!) the MSc field work didn't happen. However, I have just finished writing up the 2020 season report from volunteer data from Bumblebees on the Mynd so this is a perfect time to share this! Here are some links to check out for these bumblebees and brain wash you all with their fluffiness. I mean, look at their cute little red bums! Bumblebee Conservation Trust BWARS Steven Falk's Flickr BBCT Pollinating the Peak project by Rho Green at BBCT ( @BuzzingPeak ) Bumblebees on the Mynd National Trust project @Bumbl...